Responsibility in manufacturing
We believe in producing high-quality clothing in safe and fair conditions. We have set standards for responsible manufacturing, quality and sustainability of our products that every product must meet, regardless of where it is made. We strive for long-term partnerships, so that together we can promote responsible production and ensure the high quality of our products.
Well-being at home and away
We operate transparently - Nanso's suppliers

Nanso's suppliers
We publish our suppliers annually. The links below allow you to research the suppliers of Nanso products (tier 1), their subcontractors (tier 2) and the origin of the materials (tier 2).
Nanso suppliers' subcontractors and origin of materials (tier 2)
Fair partnership
We believe that our purchasing practices can also significantly impact the risks associated with price and schedule pressures that are typical in the industry. We strive to give our partners sufficient time to produce products and we never select suppliers based solely on price. We also never compete for suppliers through auctions, so that our suppliers are not pressured to neglect the environment and/or their employees under price or schedule pressure.
Our criteria for selecting suppliers
We only cooperate with partners who fit Nanso Group's values and responsibility criteria. We always evaluate suppliers as a whole.
Factors influencing the choice of partners:
- commitment to our responsibility criteria
- company size, location and technical capabilities
- high-quality workmanship, price and product safety
- willingness to develop responsible practices
All Nanso partners must commit to complying with:
- Nanso Group's Code of Conduct
- Nanso Group's producer contracts
- Amfori BSCI principles
Amfori BSCI member since 2008
We follow the amfori BSCI principles in our purchasing activities, which aim to improve working conditions in international supply chains. We have been a member of amfori BSCI since 2008.
We only work with suppliers in high-risk countries who are already BSCI certified or who will begin the certification process at the start of the cooperation. In 2023, all (100%) of Nanso's suppliers in high-risk countries were BSCI audited.
Although BSCI membership does not solve all social responsibility challenges in the supply chain, we always strive to create sustainable partnerships. Through long-term and smooth cooperation, we can encourage and guide our suppliers in their responsibility work.
Amphora BEPI
In 2023, we joined the amfori BEPI program, which aims to identify, monitor and develop suppliers' environmental performance. Through BEPI membership, we aim to strengthen the progress of our supply chain's environmental responsibility work.
Of Nanso Group's suppliers located in risk countries, 10/39 (2023) are included in BEPI. The work is progressing step by step. We have focused the work on Nanso's most significant suppliers for the sake of impact and have initiated joint surveys.
Code of conduct
We require our suppliers to commit to the Nanso Group Code of Conduct, which prohibits, for example, the use of harmful chemicals, child labor, forced labor, and discrimination. The Nanso Group Code of Conduct was updated in spring 2023 to meet our responsibility strategy and the requirements of our stakeholders.
Approved social responsibility assessments
We require Tier 1 suppliers from high-risk countries to meet our social responsibility criteria. We also accept other social responsibility assessment systems at our discretion, if their criteria match those of the Amfori BSCI audit. The assessment systems we accept include, for example: